Sunday, November 5, 2017

Thank You, FMS PTO!

Thank you to the FMS PTO for running the Scholastic Book Fair last week. Special thanks to Jessica Cole and Andrea Mittleider for all of the work behind the scenes setting up the fair, advertising to the school community, coordinating volunteers and more! Thanks to all of the parent volunteers who took time out of their busy schedules to help out.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Maine Student Book Award

Stop by the library to check out a book from the 2017/2018 Maine Student Book Award list. This year there is a separate list for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.

Students who read 3 or more books by April 1st are eligible to vote for their favorite books.

Click here to see the list of Maine Student Book Award Books.
See Mrs. Potter for more details.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Follow the FMS Library on Twitter & Instagram

Find out what's happening in the FMS Library by following us on Twitter and Instagram!

Twitter: @FalmouthMSLib

Instagram: Falmouthmslibrary

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Welcome to the FMS Library Website!

Congratulations to our beloved FMS Librarian, Mrs. Becksvoort, on her recent retirement! Mrs. Becksvoort had a profound impact on the students and teachers of FMS, and we wish her well.

I am thrilled to be the new FMS Librarian and look forward to continuing Mrs. Beckvoort's work. This website will offer resources for students and teachers. Visit this FMS Library site to learn about the latest books, online resources, the research process, technology and more!

Follow the FMS Library on Twitter and Instragram as well!

Mrs. Potter
FMS Librarian