Wednesday, February 14, 2018

2018 Newbery Award

Mrs. Potter is back from Denver where the American Library Association Midwinter Conference was held last week. She was there to serve on the 2018 Newbery Award committee along with 14 other librarians from across the country.

Here are some photos from Denver. The committee met and discussed nominated titles for two full days before deciding the winner.

The committee met in a conference room at the Grand Hyatt for two days.

We had plenty of snacks to give us energy during the discussions.

Members of the committee enjoy the snow during a break.

Committee members place stickers on the winner and honor books.
Writing press releases for the winner and honor books

The committee calls the winning author right before the awards are announced.
The 2018 Newbery Award Committee

Newbery Committee members take their seats in the ballroom to await the announcements.

ALSC President, Nina Lindsay, announces the 2018 Newbery Award.

Newbery Award Committee Chair, Cecilia McGowan, holds Hello, Universe.

The winner of the 2018 Newbery Award is Hello, Universe by Erin Estrada Kelly.

Three honor books were named.

Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds
Piecing Me Together by Renee Watson
Crown: An Ode to the Fresh Cut by Derrick Barnes

Stop by the FMS Library to check out the winner and honor books.

For more information about the Newbery Award visit

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